The indictment said the defendants sold drugs to people who had not met with a doctor as required by law.
Shortly afterward, the defendants sold their story to journalists detailing how they carried out the murder.
Later, the defendants bought the same discarded frame at a public auction, rebuilt the car and sold it.
Judges have no discretion, regardless of the circumstances, such as whether the defendant sold drugs to support a habit.
There was no indication the defendants had sold drugs to students, prosecutors have said.
The defendant sold the casings at a junk market, earning a profit of $84.
In this case, the defendant, a retail furniture store, sold multiple items to a customer over the course of several years.
In Tluchak the defendants had sold a farm to another couple.
He said the defendants were selling crack and cocaine, ranging in price from $20 to $100, to undercover officers.
The second defendants sold the chemicals to a teacher without the warning.