The rest of the city was defended by walls constructed of rectangular blocks of tuff, of which some remains still exist.
It is defended by walls, but these are merely of earth, and could afford only insufficient protection.
The English city of York has, since Roman times, been defended by walls of one form or another.
It seems that during the Bronze Age period in this area there was a prehistoric village and it was defended by several walls against their enemies.
In the late 15th century it was a fortified village defended by walls built around the original nucleus.
Changhua was also defended by walls, which was by no means usual at this period.
However many locations and areas have to be defended by walls and sheet pilings.
The border of the area of influence of the city was often partially or fully defended by elaborate ditches, walls and/or hedges.
After the Mongol invasion, the monastery was defended by wooden walls.
The palaces were symbolically defended by walls, towers and gates.