The defense appropriation is full of budget-busters and no one seems to care.
McGovern would try to reduce defense appropriations or limit military expenditures in almost every year during the 1960s.
The defense appropriations dealt with separately soon after passage.
They were purchased through a $288-million secret defense appropriation tacked onto another bill at the last minute that passed without fanfare.
They also approved billions more dollars for tighter domestic security measures nationwide as part of a broader $317.2 billion defense appropriations bill.
The 77 billion ruble figure announced earlier this year is about half of what U.S. experts believe to be actual defense appropriations.
Republicans won a 216-to-211 vote to take up the $337.5 billion defense appropriations bill under a procedure that barred consideration of amendments to increase that total.
"Department of Defense Appropriations for 1979: Part 5".
This is a little like Mr. Reagan's formula for balancing the budget by cutting taxes, raising defense appropriations, borrowing and spending.
In retaliation, Mr. Murtha inserted the deleted projects into his defense appropriations budget.