Officials in Washington and Western diplomats here asserted that there were no serious disussions taking place at this time about future defense arrangements.
American defense arrangements with Canada are more extensive than with any other country.
As part of a limited defense arrangement, Ethiopia is training a small number of Somaliland officers at its Defense Engineering College.
"That may be, Travis, but Earth has a mutual defense arrangement with Draylax," Archer said, taking his seat and toggling a switch on one of its arms.
France's painful withdrawal may have led to its lack of cooperation in European defense arrangements that included the United States.
They cooperate more than before in defense arrangements.
In addition to the United States, defense arrangements have been concluded with the United Kingdom, Russia, and France.
He couldn't shake the feeling deep in his gut that this cessation of mutual defense arrangements had happened too quickly, too abruptly.
"Bilateral defense arrangements with the U.S. and Japan and ourselves are important," the Australian official said.
Work out mutual defense arrangements with nearby families-both legal and extralegal.