You see, my problem is, I thought I was going to win, so I didn't do any defense planning, you might say.
It exercises problem framing, threat analysis, defense planning, and the interagency process.
She was responsible for interagency coordination for long-term defense planning and coalition maintenance issues.
The rebuilt walls stood for many years, unchallenged, and were never mentioned to have been incorporated in Athens' defense planning until after the 340s BC.
Such a relationship may include joint military maneuvers, some intelligence-sharing and even joint defense planning - almost anything short of a guarantee of collective security.
That was the bedrock estimate on which most other projections - and our own defense planning - was based.
He will be replaced on July 1 by Gen. Harald Kujat, above, the current head of defense planning.
In successive assignments he dealt with tuberculosis control, civil defense planning and national security.
This unencouraged act forcibly neglected the advanced base force battalion's training schedule and defense planning.
Such research could prove worthwhile even if space defenses are never deployed because the ideas could work for other parts of American defense planning.