We were confronted not just by murderers, but those who used their weapons against defenseless children.
And the throats of these defenseless children were slashed.
Today the miners had taken her by surprise, seeing only two defenseless children ripe for tormenting.
Not all these conditions come as revelations, but everywhere a sensitive camera captures the loneliness of defenseless children.
"These were nine defenseless children who were systematically abused for two years," she said.
The killing of defenseless children and babies made the case important for investigators.
He had never thought that a fugitive might be a hapless mother, a defenseless child.
But why would Emma go to a church luncheon and card game just after watching her husband kill a defenseless child?
"They killed defenseless children as if they were nothing more than dogs."
I believe this because it is "shameless7 to abuse a defenseless child.