With all the activity, he couldn't take a chance on being a defenseless target.
The object of this, of course, was to turn Earth into a defenseless target.
He turned and faced him, his pent-up fury spewing out at this easy and defenseless target.
To the Sports Editor: The news media sure found an easy and defenseless target in Schott!
Satherwaite replied, "You didn't want to bomb a defenseless target, did you?"
It must be said, however, that despite his penchant for shooting seemingly defenseless targets, Allee was not himself a coward.
The younger Stone has accused Romerstein of smearing a defenseless target with tainted and distorted evidence.
An aircraft with little energy is immobile, and becomes a defenseless target.
He became a defenseless target for politicians and others.
Was the Lutralian ship without sensor technology and therefore unable to see that the Chandley was a defenseless target?