High mountains rise alongside the road at this point, making it an easily defensible point.
The island was surrounded by deep water, making it a navigable and defensible strategic point.
Mile after mile without a sign of life, with all the defensible points abandoned.
A defensible point of view.
Maroubra Force withdrew to the next defensible strong point on the Track, a feature known as Mission Ridge.
A debatable but defensible starting point for modern European thought might instead be identified with the birth of scholasticism and humanism in the 13th and 14th centuries.
Dnzzt found Kelnozz in the same corridor they had used as a defensible starting point the previous year and took him down with his very first attack combination.
The piece of land had deep water, making it a navigable and defensible strategic point.
"It's not the middle of the night," Brian argued, feeling more sure of himself now that he had a defensible point.
"Our best bet for a defensible point is probably the current location of the Wall," Duncan said, flipping up a hologram.