When you regard yourself as a defensive-minded team, 44 can make you awfully sore.
It should a game ripe with big hits and one where two defensive-minded teams desire to create chemistry and points on offense.
And the Knicks are no longer the defensive-minded team they were.
But one thing that he expects, whether or not the Devils remain a trapping, defensive-minded team, is effort.
In general, a defensive-minded team will tend to stay lower, thus diminishing defensive risks as opponents get less space.
Pitt and Oklahoma State, on the other hand, are defensive-minded teams that do not mind a tussle.
The defensive-minded teams, most built around seniors, were the most impressive in the early rounds.
Both play in an era filled with good goalies, low scores and defensive-minded teams.
For the first time in the playoffs, they ran up against a physical, defensive-minded team that would not back down when tested.
It's definitely different, especially for a defensive-minded team like us.