That would boost the amount of deferred pay each executive could claim upon termination.
"The key," he says, "is the interest rate that your company credits you with on the deferred pay."
Both the cast and crew worked for deferred pay, and the conditions were far from ideal.
Questions of deferred pay and language are all that remain before Giambi's contract is finished.
The union members were also concerned about other parts of the proposals, including whether the deferred pay would be taxed.
He also is entitled to retirement benefits worth $2.23 million, with a portion of that representing deferred pay.
Keynes suggested that a scheme of deferred pay, to be repaid to the workers after the war, would ease the problem.
They avoid paying taxes until years later, when they get the deferred pay along with the money the company has earned on the funds.
Then, after actors and others received deferred pay, the limited and general partners would split the profits evenly.
Imagine 21st-century retirees collecting deferred pay for months after they stop working.