The eagle's mouths were open in a defiant scream and bundles of spears and arrows were clutched in its sharp claws.
Seated squarely in the captain's chair, Nero had less than a second to let out a final defiant scream as his life, body, and fanatic's hopes were compacted out of existence.
She arched her back and lifted her hands high above her head before unleashing a defiant, primal scream.
The human part of Hernandez unleashed a defiant scream, a torrent of pure rage.
The defiant screams of the team's horses echoed off the high walls to either side of them.
Then the bellow sounded in full rage, and hoofbeats galloped away with a defiant, fading, whinnying scream.
His demonic, defiant screams were worthy of shattering the high-altitude glass, but fortunately did not.
With defiant screams, a fire lizard hung just above the queen's head.
With her last burst of life, the mammoth trumpeted a defiant scream, and slumped to the ground.
"Holy-" A defiant scream like bending metal echoed through the Commons.