He delivered a defiant speech, urging this country's bitterly divided political forces to unite behind a plan to combat corruption and poverty.
He gave a defiant speech saying he had never been "a coward."
Hundreds of people listened to defiant speeches and a concert by hard-rock groups.
He is best known for his defiant speech at the League of Nations in 1933, ending Japan's participation in that organization.
Others said they were infuriated by his growling and defiant speech after the caucuses.
It was the first time Mubarak had appeared on television since 10 February, when he gave a defiant speech to the nation refusing to resign.
Their bodies were sent home Friday, after a ceremony of somber prayers and defiant speeches.
Gotovac made passionate and defiant speech answering the generals who at the time made all kinds of threats against Croatia.
He awaited anxiously the Fuehrer's reaction to his defiant speech.
The factory transmitted the text of Mr. Yeltsin's first defiant speech to the mayoral offices here.