Some resist the implication that they have a kind of deficiency disorder that, like diabetes or thyroid disease, requires treatment with replacement hormones.
Lynette struggled to cope with her four children until Preston and Porter were prescribed medication for ADD (attention deficiency disorder).
But an Ishtarian would suffer nutritional deficiency disorders if they tried to eat an exclusively human diet.
Such tumors have been reported among patients with congenital immune deficiency disorders and recipients of transplanted kidneys and other organs.
Iodine deficiency disorders.
One would treat children suffering from a severe immune deficiency disorder by supplying them with a critical gene they lack.
Tingle's areas of special professional interest are immunology of viral infection, auto-immune disease, immune deficiency disorders, research administration and strategic planning.
The company's products treat medical conditions, including chronic granulomatous disease, an immune deficiency disorder.
Those involving cancer patients and immune deficiency disorders other than AIDS are planned at the University of Texas-M.
He noted that people with immune deficiency disorders and those who take immune-suppressant drugs to prevent graft rejection often become hairy.