The deficit commission proposed a series of tax overhaul plans.
But the political strength of the defense establishment is shown by the fact (I think it's a fact) the the so-called deficit commission isn't allowed to consider defense spending in its deliberations.
Minority Whip Steny Hoyer, a Democrat from Maryland, remarked on CNBC's Squawk Box that the House had ignored the recommendations made by the federal deficit commission.
If that's right, if a balanced budget is already in the cards, why is a deficit commission needed?
Alan Simpson, who co-headed a bipartisan deficit commission, said Mr Norquist was either a "megalomaniac" or "egomaniac".
Gregg as a member of President Barack Obama's deficit commission defended cutting Social Security by quoting Willie Sutton who, when asked why he robbed banks, replied, "because that's where the money is."
It's past time for the president to work with Congress on a serious plan that delivers the minimum $4 trillion in savings that his deficit commission said we need just to stabilize our debt.
In March 2010 Schakowsky was appointed by Speaker Pelosi to President Obama's National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, commonly known as the deficit commission.