Following is the 54-to-46 roll-call vote by which the Senate early today approved a deficit-reduction package.
The deficit-reduction package announced tonight was split almost evenly between lower spending and higher taxes.
Unlike other measures that come before the Senate, the deficit-reduction package is subject to special rules intended to limit amendments.
I'd have a deficit-reduction package that was rigorous and real.
One is the uncertainty over the negotiations on the deficit-reduction package in Washington.
"The momentum is there for a deficit-reduction package, regardless of its content."
The deficit-reduction package approved by Congress is built around $8 billion in measures that will raise several taxes.
He predicted that a "compelling majority" of Republicans would vote for the deficit-reduction package.
The dispute over the deficit-reduction package has weighed heavily on the financial markets in recent weeks.
The gasoline tax of 4.3 cents a gallon passed by Congress in its deficit-reduction package went into effect.