The occupation of Alcatraz is assumed to have played a huge role for the Native Americans and is defined as a key movement.
It is the choice and treatment of subject matter that defines Realism as a movement in painting, rather than the careful attention to visual appearances.
The avant-garde may be defined as a movement that opposes classical institutions and tastes.
A Macroshift is defined as a popular movement to turn the tide from a global breakdown to a global breakthrough.
Personalism exists in many different versions, and this makes it somewhat difficult to define as a philosophical and theological movement.
This, for me, is what defines it as a movement: its refusal to do value-free economics.
Elsudo clearly defines SAT in his work as a "movement for anationalism".
The Web site defines "Culo" as a "movement" in art, fashion, and pop culture.
It's like defining a hurricane as a movement of air.
Hooks proposes defining feminism "as a movement to end sexist oppression."