Those at Thursday's session did not try to define extraordinary circumstances.
The most restrictive classifications apply to experimental blimps, limiting test flights to sharply defined areas, times and circumstances.
North American standards state that the neutral is neither switched nor fused except in very narrowly defined circumstances.
The new policy defines circumstances under which a district can test current employees suspected of using drugs.
I think that under those clearly defined circumstances, tearing out their fingernails or immersing them in boiling oil would be, yes, a reasonable policy.
It may check business emails to assess whether a crime has been committed or unauthorised activity has occurred, but only in strictly defined circumstances.
Division of work among judges should ordinarily be done under a predetermined plan, which can be changed in certain clearly defined circumstances.
Cosmologists have a term they use to define circumstances where the known laws of science collapse, like at the event horizon of a black hole.
Perhaps a slight change of costume or a portable prop would help define the new place or circumstances.
It should only be allowed in clearly defined circumstances, such as those proposed by the Flowers' Commission, which we generally support.