Defining eligibility would, of course, require sophisticated fact-finding.
The states could then chart a new course in social-welfare policy, rewriting state laws that define eligibility and benefits for Medicaid and cash assistance to the poor.
States choosing this option would define eligibility.
But they would have far more freedom than they now have to define eligibility, adjust benefit levels and design their own programs.
It defined eligibility for a civil partnership and the process of registering a civil partnership.
The states will have to write laws to define eligibility and benefits in the new programs.
Those are the strengths of both bills, although the Medicaid and child-care provisions are weakened through defining eligibility by length of time in the program rather than by income.
Masters degree defines eligibility for research as senior research fellows and lectureship as well.
But states could define eligibility in such a way as to exclude many of the disabled, perhaps including some people with AIDS, Republicans said.
The Administration is deeply divided over a White House proposal that would give states broad new authority to waive Federal laws defining eligibility for benefits under health, education, welfare, housing and veterans' programs.