So how do you define insanity here?
The miscreant was usually insane-and defining "insanity" for a Charonese was a pretty problem-within a few days.
Don 't they define insanity as persisting in the same course of action in the hope of a different outcome?
I think it was Einstein who defined insanity as continuing to do the same thing whilst expecting a different result.
In any event, he said, "the state has discretion to define insanity as it sees fit."
Q. How does the law define insanity?
That's what defines insanity--for you, at least.
Overall, Prichard defined insanity as a "chronic disease, manifested by deviations from the healthy and natural state of the mind."
Each state and the federal court system currently uses one of the following "tests" to define insanity for purposes of the insanity defense:
But psychiatry defines insanity more broadly than the legal system does.