He simply defined orthodoxy quite differently from them.
Cano typified those Catholics who on the same grounds attacked Erasmus, Contarini, Morone, and Carranza, who put their utmost trust in moral discipline and in a highly objectified truth, and who defined orthodoxy as a narrow gate through which few truths passed.
They passed a law deliberately using the king's language, allowing anyone "orthodox in religion" to practice in the colony; however, they also defined such orthodoxy as consisting of views that were acceptable to local ministers.
He was one of the Ulama signatories of the Amman Message, which gives a broad foundation for defining Muslim orthodoxy.
Issued in 2004, the statement gives a broad foundation for defining Muslim orthodoxy.
In an essay in the catalogue accompanying the exhibition, Ju-hsi Chou, who defines orthodoxy as "creativity without chaos," warns against regarding it as a monolith and the eccentrics as proto-Abstract Expressionists defying the academy.
"The council went on to define orthodoxy, including the mysterious Third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, who, though equal to the Father, 'proceeded' from Him, whereas the Son was 'begotten' of Him."
As there were differing opinions among the bishops, defining orthodoxy consumed the Church for some time (and still does, hence, "denominations").
He is a signatory of the Amman Message, which gives a broad foundation for defining Muslim orthodoxy, unequivocally states that nobody has the right to excommunicate a Muslim, and restricts the issuing of fatwas to those with the scholarly qualifications to do so.
In a 2009 issue of the Christian Research Journal, Hank Hanegraaff stated that "the Christian Research Institute has concluded that the local churches are a genuine expression of authentic New Testament Christianity," and "I stand shoulder to shoulder with the local churches when it comes to the essentials that define biblical orthodoxy."