The biological entity responsible for defining traits was later termed a gene, but the biological basis for inheritance remained unknown until DNA was identified as the genetic material in the 1940s.
The current estimate of sequenced X-linked genes is 499 and the total including vaguely defined traits is 983.
Just as it is difficult to precisely define unique linguistic traits for North Swedish, it is also difficult to split the group geographically into various subdialects; different traits are found in different areas.
The world depicted in "The Violent Shogun" is black and white, one in which people are good or bad, and men and women have clearly defined traits.
(Defining traits vary, but possession of the original cast album of "Flahooley" and intimate knowledge of the career of Dolores Gray are pretty firm indicators.)
While the artist eschewed any "emotionalism" or "personality" as being present in his works, these very qualities have long been considered defining traits of a Hartley painting.
Defining cranial traits of this genus include low, broad zygomatics, straight alveolar process and large maxillary sinus.
Defining dental traits include three-rooted premolars, thick enamel and bunodont cusps.
Belgian officials measured numerous Rwandans to define traits among the various tribes; they used the differences to justify the Tutsis' majority of control throughout the country.
The Angels each have distinct characters, or at least defining traits.