At home, folks danced in groups-ring dances or set-pieces, with a definite sequence to the steps.
Your grups seemed to have done their experi-ments in a certain definite sequence, a sort of timetable.
Culled from many newspapers during the past few months, those items formed a definite sequence.
Pausing, he tapped his belt in a definite sequence.
In these instances, the postfixes occur in a definite sequence.
Carefully, watching for Mandelbrot's reactions at each step, he reactivated the robot by flicking switches in a definite sequence.
One physical method for releasing tension involves "purposefully tensing and then relaxing groups of muscles in a definite sequence", which is named accordingly progressive muscle relaxation.
To be consistent the murderer should have chosen his towns in some definite sequence.
"There's a definite sequence in the book and the drawings belong together."
It has been found that there is a definite sequence of vegetation changes in the Post-glacial period and that these changes can be recognised over wide areas.