He takes no definite stand on the question of whether Kennedy would have handled Vietnam differently from the way Johnson did.
Molotov took the position that he could not take a "definite stand" on this without Stalin's agreement.
The Conservative Party did not take up any definite stand on comprehensive schools when it came into office in 1979.
Exactly when the Roman Catholic Church took its definite stand against Montanism is not known with any certainty.
Problems that involve your child's safety or emotional health require a definite and unified stand from both parents.
I took the vote for reasons of clarity, and taking a definite stand.
Sometimes this means taking a very definite stand on certain issues, but it has to be done for both your sakes.
In particular, he discussed the arcane, emotion-charged debate about the origins of the sandwich, usually without taking a definite stand.
Jim, you took a very definite and even insulting stand upon a subject which has been dead for a hundred years at the very least.
In any event, though, we must take a definite stand against the death sentence and against unjustifiably severe sentences in the present case too.