"Mayor McCann told me that, but I haven't confirmed it through definitive research yet."
Rather, they raise questions that require more definitive research.
Shopping center executives say there is no definitive research to prove that restaurants increase sales for neighboring stores.
While the world awaits definitive research, there is this to consider.
There is also a lack of definitive research on the effectiveness of acupuncture treatments.
They cite studies that have not found evidence of such bias and argue that the definitive research remains to be done.
Little definitive research has been done on the effect of offshore wind farms on the bird population.
"From our perspective, there has not been enough definitive research that would cause us to tell people not to grill at all," she says.
Phillip's definitive research and publications explained how oil paints discolor as they age.
They both acknowledged that no definitive research existed linking school uniforms to better grades.