A few minutes on the Internet turned up the definitive resource: "The Ashley Book of Knots."
The University of Montana Library describes Wilderness.net as the "definitive resource for wilderness information."
Green seems to have wanted "The Purple Balloon" to be the definitive resource that would "tell this true, hard story."
Robin Reilly crams more than 30 years of research into 416 pages, which means it will doubtless remain the definitive resource for the foreseeable future.
The aim of the Register is to provide a definitive and accessible resource to promote and preserve tartan.
The book was hugely successful, and is still considered a definitive resource about the Titanic.
The definitive resource on colliding plane waves, including the examples mentioned above.
The definitive resource on colliding plane waves, but also useful to anyone interested in other exact solutions.
These two publications provide definitive resources for many methods and apparatus used in nematology even to this day.
The resulting biography is a definitive resource on Lincoln and his times.