Right now definitive signs of a recession are not there.
He said the Fed was likely to maintain upward pressure on interest rates until definitive signs emerge of a more moderate pace of growth.
Consequently, missing a menstrual period is a likely although not a definitive sign that a woman is pregnant.
He strongly believes that market turns, both negative and positive, have definitive signs that can be identified and exploited.
But he would never have dared broach the subject without a definitive sign that she was willing to go there.
Johnson's unusual deactivation was a definitive sign that Gruden had indeed gained control.
Like snoring, the most definitive sign of sleep apnea - waking up to breathe - is often witnessed by a bed partner.
A positive result is not a definitive sign of infection, but in adults it means that infection is highly likely.
However, the Fed will be reluctant to ease until there are definitive signs of a sustainable slowdown in both consumption and housing.
In March, there were definitive signs of the disease, and so Moscow's government began implementing the established procedures, including setting up field hospitals.