Despite their similarities, there are considerable differences in climate and culture, so the term is not a definitive term.
Hart said no definitive terms were discussed because the negotiations never got that far.
However, the seismological activity that caused it has never been explained in definitive terms.
The development of the definitive term was not until the late 2000s, as Yunasi band leader Erick Odhiambo has mentioned.
It's premature to speculate in definitive terms.
Although those of us in the criticism business like to talk in sweeping, definitive terms, many establishments resist such reduction.
A statement released by the firm said, "The parties were unable to reach agreement on definitive terms for the transaction."
The preliminary agreement is subject to the negotiation of definitive terms and the antitrust clearance.
Quong & Walker (2010) based their works describing the definitive terms and segments.
While there had been some filibustering expeditions into Canada in the late 1830s, it was only by mid-century did filibuster become a definitive term.