One of Tuymans's first definitive works is a 1986 painting of the gas chamber at Dachau.
His book, On Killing, was written over a decade ago and is still one of the definitive works on the subject.
The building was designed by Sydney architect Harry Seidler, and remains one of his most definitive works.
However, before the more definitive foundational works on mineralogy in the 16th century, the ancients recognized no more than roughly 350 minerals to list and describe.
Traiger considers his cantata, "Be Still," written for the 9/11/2001 tragedy, to be one of his definitive works.
Early editors and publishers needed definitive works to define a culture.
These works are still regarded as the definitive works on these particular birds today.
His texts were considered the definitive works on surgery in Europe until the Renaissance.
John R. Swanton published definitive works in 1908 and 1910 that removed all doubt based on primarily historical rather than linguistic grounds.
It remains one of the definitive works on the subject.