He knew the blows for what they were--too quick and too deft to be dangerous.
A deft blow from his sabre disarmed the Frenchman whose brave, "Frappez, je suis franais!"
He did not hear Gersen come up behind him; he felt nothing as Gersen struck him a deft blow, which instantly in- duced unconsciousness.
Alerted to his presence by a bronze fire-lizard, they were able to sneak up on him, and one deft blow turned sleep to unconsciousness.
They drew him off, and a few deft blows struck off the helmet of his enemy.
They were blows so deft, in fact, they deserve a slow-motion replay.
Blissful were his Morphean slumbers upon this warm spring morning and blissful they would no doubt have remained, at least until opening time at the Swan, had not a deft blow from a size-nine boot struck him upon the sole of the left foot and blasted him into consciousness.
A deft blow to the jaw, the tailgate pulled almost shut.
Then he reheats the two pieces, carefully scarfing them before welding them together with deft blows from the hammer, and setting them on the bricks next to the forge to anneal.
This Muslim Good Samaritan produced the sort of steel hammer used in shipyards and, with three deft blows, returned each wheel to its original shape.