There was undeniable skill in that deft handling of the ship.
But you also see a specific virtuosity - a deft handling of many different sorts of lines - that was her own.
But these conclusions don't do justice to his deft handling of an impossible position.
The band won over jazz critics with its musicality and deft handling of the classics.
Even his foes now credit him with deft handling of the crisis after the invasion; he built a coalition unlike any before in modern history.
But one of's special strength is news, and that requires especially deft handling.
He also won respect from his colleagues over the years for his deft handling of three death penalty cases.
The book was well received by critics, who praised its realistic setting and the author's deft handling of small details.
His deft handling of such issues, including the war against Iraq, is what made him a popular President in the first place.
At least part of the answer, which I only figured out weeks later, lies in the employers' deft handling of the hiring process.