In this film, deftly directed by Fred Schepisi, intelligence is not bad until it interferes with the emotions.
Deftly directed by Andrew McCarthy, the play is fairly standard-issue LaBute in its depiction of the bottomless perfidy of the contemporary male.
The young locals that form the accommodating service corps are deftly directed by an all-seeing headwaitress.
The paper called the episode "deftly directed by" McG, who kept "things from becoming too silly or far-fetched."
I suppose that's why directing a new play is a specific skill; if the critics say 'ably directed' or 'deftly directed,' it's the best you can hope for.
The show, commissioned and first produced by the Guthrie Theater, was deftly directed by Lori Steinberg.
But on the day it was consecrated, thanks to a spidercam deftly directed by the local television station, TV3, millions saw for the first time the recently-completed interior - a thrilling petrified forest of light, colour and space.
The Arena production has been deftly directed by Frederic De Feis, who piles one ridiculous situation on top of another while keeping everything light, frothy and unpredictable.
David Belcher of Glasgow Herald offered that Rab C. Nesbitt was deftly directed by Bain.
Much of this chaos results in hackneyed physical jokery, but it is directed deftly and unpompously by John Rando to maximize the available laughs and minimize the traffic accidents.