Racing to the sea, defying attempts to put sun cream on them, and brattishly demand ing ice creams.
After all, Yonkers has adamantly defied attempts at racial integration for nearly a decade.
However, there remain a large number of problems in NP that defy such attempts, seeming to require super-polynomial time.
According to their reputation, the quality of their sound has defied attempts to explain or equal it, though this belief is disputed.
The ring will not leave his hand and defies magical attempts to remove it.
One such pollution which defied attempts at on the spot diagnosis and, for a time, laboratory analysis as well was described by a supervising officer:
This tale highlights the sheer impenetrability of the classic car market, which for years has defied attempts to track and analyse its movements.
The signal was simple and brief, so brief it still defied attempts at decoding.
Where funk revels in repetition, most of the compositions defied attempts to pick out repeating bass lines or even to find the downbeat.
Something about the processing defied artificial attempts to speed it up; certainly it had been tried.