Subgroups such as Latinos and African Americans, who are a large and growing demographic, show even worsening statistics of degree attainment.
His successful initiatives include a landmark $510 million investment in minority institutions and a program to support graduate degree attainment at Hispanic-serving institutions (HSIs).
As of 2009, greater Austin ranks eighth among metropolitan areas in the United States for bachelor's degree attainment with nearly 39 percent of area residents over 25 holding a bachelor's degree.
Women have recently reversed the gender gap, moving from below parity to exceeding men in educational expectations, matriculation in postsecondary institutions, and postsecondary degree attainment.
Whites and Asians on average have more social capital than Latinos and African Americans, irrespective of gender, and higher levels of degree attainment.
These factors include the rigor of high school curriculum, the overall grade point average (GPA), standardized test scores, and additional factors that contribute to successful degree attainment.
The degree programs have established pathways that begin where the associate of arts degree ended for seamless transition into major course work and degree attainment.
Lifelong learning is being recognized by traditional colleges and universities as valid in addition to degree attainment.
Salaries and degree attainment are known to be predictors of research productivity.
The earnings differential associated with having a college degree is still a good deal smaller for women than men, reducing the rate of return for degree attainment.