Found in southern India, south of about 16 degrees latitude.
The plane was flying north of 36 degrees latitude when it came under fire.
I had made the assumption that 42 degrees latitude in September would be warm.
The length of day and night throughout a year would match a location at thirty degrees latitude on the Earth.
If I were to move the pendulum half a radius from the center, it would be like moving to 45 degrees latitude.
That means in winter the icecup grows down to 45 degrees latitude!
Usually, polygonal shapes are found poleward of 55 degrees latitude.
The fleet followed its leaders like lemmings as far south as 64 degrees latitude.
France has proposed that the entire Antarctic region south of 40 degrees latitude be made into a whale sanctuary.
In both hemispheres, from 55 degrees latitude to the poles, Mars has a high density of ice just under the surface.