If the protostar has sufficient mass, the density reaches a critical level where the temperature exceeds 10 million degrees kelvin at its center.
Below 2.17 degrees kelvin, liquid helium becomes superfluid; that is, it flows without friction.
If Hadden was frozen to four degrees Kelvin at ten billion kilometers from Earth, what exactly was his legal status?
Its field, 20,000 times as strong as that at the Earth's surface, is produced by current flowing through superconducting coils cooled to 1.8 degrees Kelvin above absolute zero.
The windings are kept at four degrees Kelvin by liquid helium, and carry up to forty thousand amperes per square centimeter.
Now it was cutting down the heat-intake from the nearby double sun instead of holding the temperature of the Yarrow so many degrees Kelvin above the chill of empty space.
"One point two million degrees Kelvin."
Denser air, when it expands proportionally to the change of its absolute temperature (in degrees Kelvin), causes larger mass-density variations, which will better fight the viscosity of air (also constant vs. pressure).
When the gas heats up to around 30,000 degrees kelvin, the gas starts to glow.
"It's a good three hundred degrees Kelvin too hot."