The two primary active satellites are separated in orbit by at least 130 degrees longitude.
But computers that had been misprogrammed by 10 degrees longitude would have guided the plane 60 miles south of that fix.
Greenwich's Royal Observatory was adopted as zero degrees longitude and the world's time zones have been set by it ever since.
A mistake of one (1) degrees longitude had been made in reporting the plane's position.
The cross hairs in the eyepiece of the telescope define zero degrees longitude for Earth.
On July 19, 2009, an impact site was discovered at approximately 216 degrees longitude in System 2.
The hill stands in Epping Forest at 0 degrees longitude, and 51 degrees 38 minutes north latitude.
Along seventy degrees longitude and nearly twelve hundred klicks from the stronger one.
That's just the Cathay area, eight degrees to ten degrees longitude, fifty to twenty latitude.
It resulted in selection of the Greenwich Meridian as an international standard for zero degrees longitude.