Design:a range of freeze-dried dehydrated food made with natural ingredients.
Portable soup was a kind of dehydrated food used in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Within an hour the doctor confirmed that the dehydrated food does not agree with my stomach.
Either that or she'd really have to rethink this dehydrated food the next time she decided to take a hike.
He ate in restaurants, carrying credit cards rather than dehydrated foods.
With the Gibsons size, they could have carried a few decades of dehydrated food, even for the thousand or so the ship seemed to carry.
We can't make dehydrated food here, except fruit, and traveling with regular food is a total pain.
Her return also means the end of sponge baths and dehydrated food.
One person eats about 450 pounds of dehydrated food per year.
Make sure the reserve dehydrated food and ammunition reserves are handy.