The league says that delays in waiting for an instant replay decision added an average of 72 seconds a game last year.
His mother said the delay only added to her son's problem.
The delay in getting the energy measure in final form added to the bill's problems.
Other experts said the delays might add no more than 15 minutes to a half hour to normal schedules.
The delay from March to July added $3 million in interest costs.
The three-year delay has produced a more compact design, but added $10 million to the projected costs.
The delays, he said, added $12 million to the development costs and raised the rents, which were expected to be much lower.
The delay will add millions to the cost of a project that is already more than $1.1 billion over initial projections.
But he said the additional work and delays would add less than $1 million to the total cost.
That rather long delay, analysts said, adds to the risk of the deal's not being done.