However, the eurozone crisis could delay adoption.
The dispute over the minority-business bill has delayed adoption of the local-assistance bill, which would provide $18 billion in education aid and payments to local governments.
The unorthodox nature of the agreed-upon electoral procedures delayed adoption of the new regulations until late in November.
Allows school districts in most cities to delay adoption of their budgets until Aug. 31, 1991.
On May 2, commission officials delayed adoption of the staff-proposed rule, citing among other things, the two-light provision.
At one point, the Government said it needed to delay adoption so that it could better educate the public about such diseases.
And even when the technology is ready for prime time, a variety of economic and political obstacles could delay widespread adoption of self-driving automotive technologies.
The board, the rule-making body for the accounting profession, said it had delayed adoption of the rules while it considers amendments.
These concerns delayed statewide adoption of PEX for almost a decade.
The bill passed by the Senate would delay adoption of the California standards until a commission studies whether they are the best way to meet the Federal requirements.