For some schools, this controversy delayed the introduction of the second level by one year.
It has also delayed the introduction of some models so they are not sold with similar problems.
One person operation had been planned in 1968, but conflict with the trade unions delayed introduction.
If the proposal is accepted, it could significantly delay the introduction of electric cars.
It probably also delayed the introduction of an Australian honours system.
To delay the introduction of such information may make the vendor less credible to a buyer.
The new models have not yet been introduced for public sale and the strike will presumably delay the introduction.
Analysts said the company seemed to be delaying the introduction of some new car and truck models to improve its current cash position.
One hitch for the Solstice is that the company has delayed the introduction of a summer car into the fall.
The same year a similar manufacturing problem delayed the introduction of a high-capacity disk drive, the Model 3390.