Intensely cold weather continued into the late spring, further delaying work.
Prolonged Congressional haggling has already delayed work on dozens of projects.
And then when construction was finally scheduled to begin in September 2002, weeks of rain or snow delayed work until the following spring.
But the licensing process delayed work on the rice by about a year.
Just last week, several members, sporting orange ribbons in solidarity, delayed work on the House floor to protest the committee's investigation.
Monroe County was unable to secure a $17 million loan through the state infrastructure bank, delaying work for at least a year.
In early 2009, the school took the decision to delay work on the final phase of the redevelopment, owing to the economic downturn.
The goal, here, is to overcome the tendency to delay work or to do extra work when there seems to be time.
The wet winter of 1950-51 delayed work, but the first houses were completed and occupied by February 1951.
The foundation stone was laid on 7 October 1922, but financial difficulties delayed work for a decade.