The 1,400 delegates, which included university presidents, deans and trustees, applauded.
Other delegates from developing countries of the Caribbean and Africa also applauded the end of the cold war and called for a peace dividend.
As soon as officials announced the results, delegates stood up, applauded tentatively for 45 seconds and then sang the Internationale.
Many delegates might have applauded only because they'd been caught up in the moment.
The delegates applauded, though none of them had responded to Dominic Vernius's requests for help years ago.
It took him nearly an hour to make his way through the throng, and when he finally began to speak, the delegates applauded everything he said.
The delegates applauded a suggestion that dissolving the party and starting all over would be "catastrophic."
When he announced the new name, many delegates rose and applauded.
The delegates applauded the magician's opening, and Allenby clapped the loudest.
In interviews, the delegates applauded President Bush, citing his character rather than specific policies.