Since most delegate counts are not known at this point, Paul has vowed to stay in the race.
With local conventions being held nearly on a daily basis, Roosevelt was falling further behind in the delegate counts.
Well I finally understood why nobody wants to talk about delegate counts.
The Governor didn't want to talk about delegate counts or Presidential strategies.
To do that, they weight the delegate counts (I kid you not) for the size of the 99 different county conventions.
Thus, Jackson's popular vote is always higher than his delegate count in direct election states, usually by a large margin.
As the convention opened, Dewey was seen as having a large lead in the delegate count.
Blaine started with a significant lead in the delegate count but could not muster a majority.
Not exactly big states but the delegate counts are higher.
As the convention opened, Dewey was believed to have a large lead in the delegate count.