In a striking shift of focus, the 3,400 delegates gathered here from 91 countries to discuss the world energy picture have one dominant concern: the environment.
And he urged the delegates gathered here for the weeklong conference not to point fingers.
Both received a polite reception from the 15,000 delegates gathered at the New York Hilton Hotel.
For delegates gathered here, it is a concept that has come of age and is worth fighting for.
Over 200 delegates gathered there to create a series of resolutions that advocated the position of states rights held by so many other slave holding southern states.
As the delegates gathered in Milwaukee today for the opening session, it was the specter of Federal cuts that most dampened enthusiasm over the states' improved revenues.
Early Saturday more than 1,000 delegates gathered for revival meetings in churches and rooms rented on The Strip.
Mr. Sadr's offer was met with applause by delegates gathered in Baghdad to select a national assembly.
Only a small number of remaining delegates gathered around the podium at the end to sing "Solidarity Forever."
It actually did appear as though the delegates gathered here had just stepped out for a short recess.