These were representative assemblies at which delegates from the various districts in each region met to award legal judgments and pass laws.
Within days, the delegates passed a resolution to define why Texans were fighting.
The delegates then passed her proposal by a voice vote.
About 300 delegates from the party's five provincial offices passed a vote of no-confidence in the 75-year-old founding leader at a meeting Saturday night.
Over all, the delegates essentially passed the decisions about the party's slate this November to primary voters.
The delegates passed a motion to focus her role entirely on further education.
In September 2006, elected delegates to the union's 23rd General Convention passed several resolutions.
At the party's state convention in 2012, delegates passed three new resolutions.
In addition to the development of a state constitution, delegates passed a series of resolutions that asked Mexican authorities for reforms.
At the same time, the delegates passed a measure that restored the number of women's basketball scholarships to 15.