The candidate with the highest pledged delegate vote is highlighted.
Candidates who win more than 50 percent of the delegate vote can promote themselves as the party favorites on the campaign trail.
A simple majority of 1,144 delegate votes were needed to win nomination.
No convincing story was presented that explained Roosevelt's actions, but he won by a delegate vote of 753 to 218.
Six weeks after the primary season had begun, with 135 delegate votes in his column, he left the contest on April 27.
The pledged delegate vote estimates come from each state's primary or caucus article.
He was nominated on the first ballot with 98% of the delegate vote.
Both The order in which the states and territories will be called tonight and the number of delegate votes they have.
In all, 1,139 delegate votes are needed for the Republican nomination.
Karamarko won in the second ballot with 971 delegate votes.