Additionally institutions have been given delegated authority to confer their own awards in some cases up to Doctoral level.
At some stage in their development, expanding businesses have to change from omnipresent owner management to some form of delegated authority.
The state or local entity receives delegated authority for immigration enforcement within their jurisdictions.
The nation acts initially in the process of constitutional amendment, and then, by means of delegated authority, through the Congress.
Providing delegated authorities can enable employees to control their own work processes and schedules.
Once having been fired by you, I would not again be able to act with confidence under your delegated authority.
The main teaching which was considered a concern was that of delegated authority.
Such delegated authority could include, for example, financial decisions.
The explanation given in the audit was because the office mistakenly believed it retained this delegated authority.
The power of being able to lead groups of peers without receiving clear delegated authority.