A delegation of young men demanded entry.
On the second night after the delegation demanded an answer from him to prove the other ship's company impostors-three hours after dark-Bedell was restless.
The delegation also demanded that Adullah Afeef be their leader.
Then the clamoring delegations demanded Worf's attention.
A delegation of the comuneros sent to the cabildo demanded that the new governor be denied entry.
As the famine worsened, a delegation of leading citizens demanded a return to systematic storage of food, at least.
The Haitian delegation demanded the lifting of the economic embargo, but was unwilling to consider the immediate return of Aristide as president.
A delegation of freshmen demanded a meeting with Gingrich.
The French delegation initially responded angrily to the idea of reducing their capital ships tonnage to 175,000 tons and demanded 350,000, slightly above Japan.
A congressional delegation demanded that an independent panel be established to investigate all deaths connected to toxic dust exposure.