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As can be seen, the optical quality of the device is very good and should not deleteriously impact system performance.
Unfortunately, substituents on the ring can react deleteriously with some of the most common catalysts.
After all, it was her short lifetime which made it possible for her to live with me without deleteriously affecting Reality.
Further, they are observed to be deleteriously effected by the same strong odours as man is, e.g. bitumen, sulphur, and the like.
A corporal at seven, captain at twenty-three and Major at twentyfive, his advancement had been deleteriously rapid.
Moreover, in the cat genome, the IFN-ν promoter is deleteriously mutated.
After myocardial infarction, dead myocytes are replaced by scar tissue, deleteriously affecting the function of the myocardium.
Environmental & Aquatic Animal Health - chemicals and biological factors that can deleteriously affect the health of aquatic ecosystems.
Any female who did not prefer males with the deleteriously exaggerated trait would indeed produce fitter sons than other females; however, no one would mate with them.
These symptoms may lead to difficulty attending to auditory information causing many to speculate that language acquisition and academic achievement may be deleteriously affected in children with amblyaudia.
PATRICK EWING has a problem with aerodynamics, primarily and most deleteriously on defense.
It is alloyed into cast iron for promoting chill for spectroscopic purposes, as the presence of electrically conductive free graphite tends to deleteriously affect spark emission testing results.
This is fairly well known, but it is not commonly realized that synthetic detergents are affected deleteriously by the hardness of the water, although not to the same extent as soaps.
Superoxide is also deleteriously produced as a byproduct of mitochondrial respiration (most notably by Complex I and Complex III), as well as several other enzymes, for example xanthine oxidase.
While this produced significant changes in some taxa, humans, at this time, were already becoming adept at adjusting to new environments and appear not to have been deleteriously affected by the changeable and unpredictable climate.
These skimmings are generally subjected to a cleaner-scavenger cell to remove excess silicates and to remove other sulfide minerals that can deleteriously impact the concentrate quality (typically, galena), and the final concentrate sent for smelting.
A dose of hydrocyanic acid, administered per ora to the most sagacious woman imaginable, affects her just as swiftly and just as deleteriously as it affects a tragedian, a crossing-sweeper, or an ambassador to the Court of St. James.
This plan is, of course, the fountainhead of the low-income housing projects, apartment blocks and industrial parks that have figured so deleteriously in postwar urban planning, as well as of the separation of residential and commercial districts that blights suburbia.