"szkodliwy" in inglés — Polish-inglés dictionary | Mirar "szkodliwy" in Polish


  1. ill , ***
    • szkodliwy, niedobry
      He got sick after the dinner, but she suffered no ill effects.
      antonym: good
      consulta también: wrong
  2. harmful *  
  3. damaging *
  4. adverse *
  5. detrimental ,
  6. malignant
  7. noxious
  8. pernicious
  9. wrongful
  10. deleterious ,
  11. nasty , **
    • niebezpieczny, szkodliwy (np. chemikalia, trucizna)
      This substance is nasty. Don't use it.
  12. prejudicial
    • szkodliwy (np. dla czyichś interesów) formal
  13. injurious
    • szkodliwy (np. nawyk, praktyka)
  14. malign
  15. unwholesome
    • szkodliwy (np. wpływ)
      He has an unwholesome influence on you.
      This pastime may be unwholesome for you.
  16. disserviceable  
  17. nocent  
  18. wrackful
  19. unsalutary
  20. malefic   formal
  21. maleficent
  22. nocuous   formal
  23. corruptive
  24. teenful